Develop your creativity with new online watercolor offerings. 

New classes coming out soon!!

Hi, I'm Karen!
Welcome to my Creative World...

Don't you just love creating? I was very fortunate in that as a child I was allowed to make mud pies, and thus began my love of art. As my creativity developed my mud pies turned into bunny sculptures. Have you ever had such a fun experience ? The texture was delicious.

As time went on, I began teaching art to children, and then adults. I love sharing the world of art, every age is interesting to me. I have studied Early Childhood Education, and studied with Tom Lynch, Mel Stabins & Mary Whyte. I love creating on many different levels, whether it be art or flowers or tablescapes. If I am not in the studio teaching or painting, You will most likely find me in the garden or out in nature.



"A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others"

Karen is a "true artist" she has not only inspired me, she has patiently guided me in the beginning steps of painting with watercolors


After taking Karen's class I have new understanding of watercolor techniques. Her hands-on demonstrations, advice to just "play" with new techniques has given me the confidence to incorporate the lessons in my painting.


Karen’s Art Zone is an art student’s piece of heaven on earth. Karen is a very good teacher who knows how to demonstrate the art she loves, watercolor.” I like your sensitive, kind hearted, personal approach to each student.